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Is that why the sky is blue? The science behind the color of the atmosphere

Visarg Acharya joined FandomWire in 2022 as a Content Writer. Along with a penchant for writing, Visarg claims that words are the only true language made for him. Currently pursuing his B.Sc in Physics, the combination of Physics and Marvel make up for an interesting talk. Visarg Acharya has authored over 500 articles and reads books in his spare time along with an occasional series to accompany him.

Is that why

I was browsing TikTok one day and came across an ADHD video that resonated with my entire being. The ADHD content that seems to hit me the hardest are the ones that point out a challenging ADHD symptom that I didn't even realize was a common struggle among ADHDers.

Previously, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was thought to be specific to kids. Because of that, many ADHD adults don't get an official diagnosis until adulthood. A majority of the late ADHD diagnosis experience is like wading against a stream through waist-deep water and realizing everyone else has a raft and paddle going the opposite direction.

Personally, I love showering because I feel like my ADHD brain really lets me indulge in all of the steamy goodness. People with ADHD (as well as Autistic individuals) commonly have sensory processing issues that cause us to perceive senses (light, sound, touch, etc.) differently than neurotypicals.

While some ADHDers have less sensitivity, others (like me) are so much more attuned to stimuli on our skin - temperature, texture, etc. With all that in mind, why would we want to get out of the shower? Why would I get in the shower in the first place just to get out and feel a chill down my spine?

Generally, neurotypicals have fewer difficulties with switching from Task A to Task B. However, ADHD children and adults often lack the executive control needed for transitioning from one thing to the next. Executive functions are a set of skills your brain uses to organize memories, thoughts, and emotional responses. When there's a deficit in this skill-set, that organization tends to quickly turn into chaos.

Teenagers are more than twice as likely as their parents to sleep with their devices right in the bed with them, according to a report released Wednesday by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that studies the impact of technology on learning and child development.

Once upon a time, the way things worked was, when you were first starting out your life in the big city, you rented an apartment for a while. But if you were lucky enough to hit it big and start pulling down a bigger salary, you might plan to buy a house of your own instead of continuing to rent. These days, at least in Los Angeles, that seems to be changing. More households with incomes greater than $150,000 per year are choosing to rent than ever before, according to research published by Rent Café.

As a lifelong Marvel Comics reader, I often get a huge kick out of the post-credits sequences in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. Marvel does a fantastic job of teasing new characters and storylines, giving fans just enough information to get excited and debate what might be coming next to the movies and TV. Thanos' reveal in The Avengers made my theater erupt with comic fans gasping over the potential of an Infinity Gauntlet story, and non-comic fans saying, "Who was that purple guy?"

The same thing happened after Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness' mid-credits sequence aired in my theater. I heard a bunch of people ask their friends and people near them who Charlize Theron's character was. I too was a bit baffled. I had my suspicions, but Theron's suit didn't lineup with the vision I had in my head. I thought she may be Clea or perhaps a different cosmic character that would tie into the next Guardians of the Galaxy or Captain Marvel movie. It turns out she's playing Clea. You may not know her now, but she will become a household name if she eventually takes over as the Sorcerer Supreme. Don't act surprised. You know Doctor Strange is probably going to die. Like really die. The Earth-616 version.

These beloved heroes don't age (much) in the comics and can always revert back to their young, original forms thanks to story developments. That isn't the case with the MCU, and that's also what makes it kind of cool. We have actual progress in the superhero world, whereas the comics often undo it to establish new entry points for readers.

So, yes, Clea will likely become the new "Strange." She currently holds this rank in the comic book world within a new series simply titled Strange. It's off to a fantastic start and is the result of the equally as excellent The Death of Doctor Strange story, where he actually died. He'll likely be resurrected within a year or two, but for now, we get to see what Clea can do with these powers. I strongly urge you to run out to your comic book shop to pick up this series' first two issues (the only two that are out as of this writing) to get acquainted with her.

Clea is a skilled magic user who can bounce between dimensions. She is believed to be close to immortal and also has enhanced strength. When in human form, she eventually studies under Steven, falls in love with him, they wed, and then he dies...horribly. And that's where we are at now. She's questing to bring him back, but isn't having much luck yet.

Following his standard split, 80% will be plants and vegetables and the remaining 20% is lean meats that offer healthy protein. Fish is a regular choice but grass-fed organic duck and steak is also possible.

You have finally finished writing your article. You've sweat over your choice of words and agonized about the best way to arrange them to effectively get your point across. You comb for errors, and by the time you publish you are absolutely certain that not a single typo survived. But, the first thing your readers notice isn't your carefully crafted message, it's the misspelled word in the fourth sentence.

The eight planets in our solar system differ in lots of ways. They are different sizes. They are different distances from the sun. Some are small and rocky, and others are big and gassy. But they're all nice and round. Why is that? Why aren't they shaped like cubes, pyramids, or discs?

Planets form when material in space starts to bump and clump together. After a while it has enough stuff to have a good amount of gravity. That's the force that holds stuff together in space. When a forming planet is big enough, it starts to clear its path around the star it orbits. It uses its gravity to snag bits of space stuff.

Saturn and Jupiter are bit thicker in the middle. As they spin around, they bulge out along the equator. Why does that happen? When something spins, like a planet as it rotates, things on the outer edge have to move faster than things on the inside to keep up. This is true for anything that spins, like a wheel, a DVD, or a fan. Things along the edge have to travel the farthest and fastest.

Do you want to know what it's like to be a spinning planet? You can feel it when you spin around in place. First, make sure there are no obstacles around that you might bump into. Then either while standing, or in a spinner chair, spin around in circles. Hold your arms close to your body, then extend your arms out. Move your arms in and out and feel the difference. When your arms are outstretched, your hands have to move faster than your shoulders to keep up, so you'll feel more force on them.

Chesney told Billboard magazine that the song was his favorite on the album. "The thing that is so cool about this song is that it's about an alcoholic that's struggling to get better, but it has a happy ending and there's a lot of hope in this song."[2]

"There tends to be a common teen-angst thing, like: 'Oh, the whole world is against me, the whole world is so screwed up,' " Will explains. Teenagers are cynical, adds Aaron Yost. And they should be: "To be fair, they were born into a world that their parents kind of really messed up."

The fact that these books offer a safety net, a place where kids can "flirt with those kinds of questions without really doing anything that might get them into trouble," that's reason enough to keep teachers and parents buying them.

Since I\u2019ve been working on my manuscript these past few months, I\u2019ve really come to see and contemplate the power that rests with the one who holds the pen. My journal has so much frightening detail. I can just dial it up and check. Who was there, what was said. I never consciously thought that my journal would one day become a tool of accountability. 2ff7e9595c

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